What benefits can an Agile Coach deliver?
Knowledge-based roles are replacing the industrial working methods which dominated in the past. This also impacts the requirements placed on companies and their employees. Purpose-driven, self-organised working methods and more flexible forms of work are increasingly important as the keys to responding swiftly and effectively to new challenges.
As an Agile Coach, I accompany teams and companies in their efforts to design meaningful, future-ready and inspiring working environments. I rely here on 'New Work' and Agile approaches and concepts in which the focus is firmly on the people involved. Employees are actively invited to help shape the process, given the space and time to experiment, to develop creativity and innovation, and encouraged to welcome change. Purpose, inspiration, enthusiasm and commitment are boosted as a result. Such companies can respond flexibly and sustainably to change and grow with every new challenge faced and overcome.
What do 'New Work' and 'Agile' mean?
'New Work' and 'Agile' represent modern and flexible work approaches, creating new forms of collaboration that combine professional and personal development. Working methods and environments are designed collectively, and the status quo is regularly questioned. Employees respond flexibly and pro-actively to change, accept responsibility for their work and jointly define objectives and implementation steps which reflect the relevant situation and current challenges as well as services, products, customers, clients and the team itself.
For this to work, there needs to be a mind shift at various levels that interlink and support each other. The most important aspects of a future-ready and purpose-driven company are:
A new mindset
The basis for successfully re-designing companies in the direction of 'New Work' and 'Agile' is formed by an appropriate mindset and supporting behavioural patterns.
The focus is increasingly on people. Modern companies address the issue of how employees can be encouraged, supported and inspired. Purpose, fun and enjoyment are the top priorities. Leaders place their trust in employees to create room for manoeuvre and scope to design their own working environments. Flexible working styles become possible since the focus is on jointly agreed outputs.
To manage all of this, there needs to be a high degree of transparency and communication. Information is available to all employees, and regular exchanges and time to reflect jointly. This is the key to enabling employees to make the right and sound decisions.
Companies striving to introduce 'New Work' and 'Agile' also undergo a transition in terms of their organisational structure. Long-established, rigid hierarchies and silos are torn down. The goal is to replace these structures with a strong network of
cross-functional teams. In the meantime, there exist a wide range of different
network-like structures. Well-known examples include Spotify, Holacracy, Scrum of Scrum, etc. These new forms of collaboration make it possible to respond faster and more flexibly to change and challenges. There is more focus on what really matters as a result of aligning to a common goal.
New working methods
Working methods also change at purpose-driven companies. Cross-functional teams work intensely and closely with each other and provide mutual support.
They act in a self-organised manner, with no one giving them instructions.
Short turnaround cycles deliver viable and practical outputs, or experiments are conducted to test various possible solutions. The results and prototypes are regularly presented to the customer. This provides teams with timely feedback that they can incorporate. Not only does the customer provide regular feedback, but also frequent feedback rounds take place within the teams to continuously learn and constantly improve and further develop the team and everyone else involved.
New leadership
The new mindset and self-organised teams also lead to change in terms of the role and associated tasks of leaders. 'New Work' and 'Agile' transform strict, bureaucratic hierarchies in the direction of a culture of trust built on empathy.
Tomorrow's leaders empower their teams to tap their full potential and further develop their talents and strengths. They act as coaches and mentors with a clear vision based upon which they act and inspire others. They are on hand to support their teams and ensure the preconditions allowing themselves and others to continuously improve and develop further. Leadership is no longer a privilege vis-a-vis but a service provided to employees. It is no longer about delegating or allocating tasks but supporting employees to successfully overcome challenges. This allows teams to focus on what really matters. Power, status and ego are not important to such leaders.
Premises & digitalisation
Premises also need to adjust to reflect these new approaches to work. There needs to be space for creativity and innovation in the form of creative spaces. Co-working spaces facilitate teamwork and exchanges with colleagues. There also need to be areas where employees can work without being disturbed as well as appropriate staff areas for breaks and chats. Homeoffice can likewise be an important issue, as can the digitalisation needed to facilitate fast and efficient work.
What differentiates me from other Agile Coaches?
I don't have a one-fits-all solution. Depending on the situation and expectations, I rely on various approaches and Agile working methods. This flexible approach enables me to focus fully on my clients. We jointly define the working methods which are the right fit for their people and companies.